The New Testament is a letter from God

The message contained in this letter tells sinners how they can become sons of God.

Posted by Alex & Ben Swarts on 2016-11-03 15:36:36

The New Testament




The New Testament is letter from God.

The message contained in this letter tells sinners how they can become sons of God.  Matthew, Mark, Luke and John reveal Jesus Christ and call all men to faith in Jesus and repentance towards God.  In Acts the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is revealed, which makes the born-again experience a reality.  From Romans to Jude the child of God is taught to perfect holiness; the relationship between brothers and sisters and how they should conduct themselves in this world.  Throughout, the child of God is encouraged, warned, chastened and rebuked in order for him to mature and as a son of God who does not sin - as stated in 1 John 3.  The letter ends with Revelation.


The message of God paints a picture.  The picture can be seen as a puzzle which consists of many pieces.  Each scripture in the New Testament represents a piece of the puzzle.  Every piece of the puzzle has to be placed in the correct place in order for the big picture to emerge.  In the same manner, every scripture has to be placed correctly in order for you to see God’s picture.  Wrong placement of scriptures distorts the picture God painted of Christ and causes the children of God to conform to another Jesus.


“For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached,

or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received,

or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.”

2 Cor 11:4 KJV


The purpose of our study guide “Sons of God sin not” is to help believers place scriptures in the correct order so that they may know and believe the truth.  The working of the Holy Spirit is in accordance with the truth and not according to half truths.



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