Renewing your mind is to stop the consciousness of good & evil and think only on the truth

Posted by Alex & Benjamin Swarts on 2019-01-24 13:09:39



Knowledge of ‘good and evil’ originated in Lucifer (an angel — also called Satan).  It caused him to become a JUDGE and therefore he began to disagree with God.  His knowledge of ‘good and evil’ made him proud because he cannot submit to God and he questions all of God's actions.  So he set himself above God.


An example of this is: God says Adam and Eve will die if they eat of the tree of ‘good and evil’, but Satan says they will certainly not die.


“And the serpent (Satan) said unto the woman (Eve), Ye shall not surely die:" Gen 3: 4


Here we see Satan resist the Word of God:  This only shows that the knowledge of ‘good and evil’ will ALWAYS disagree with God.  Until today, believers question and debate every Word of God because they still function in the consciousness of 'good and evil'.


Hear what Satan says:  "You will certainly not die."  Even to this day, Satan and his false preachers assure believers that there will be no consequences for their transgressions (disobedience).  Believers sin on a daily basis, and yet the preachers and fellow believers do not call them to order. Repentance and sanctification are no longer preached and required.


In 1 John 3: 1-10, God says that “the sons of God do not sin”, but the believers say we all sin often.  Just like the devil, they always resist God with their own personal opinions. God is perfect and says, "Be perfect because I am perfect.  "Now believers come and say, "Nobody can be perfect."  Like the devil, they always know better than God.  Even the children are disobedient and know better than their parents who have years of experience.


The two trees are not literal trees


  • The one tree is the tree of life — it teaches the truth and eating thereof gives you knowledge of God.
  • The tree of the knowledge of ‘good and evil’ — it brings spiritual death and eating of it gives you knowledge of Satan.



God created man naturally good, but they obtained THE KNOWLEDGE OF ‘GOOD & EVIL’ because they did not believe God and therefore did not obey Him.


The result of their disobedience is shocking.  Just look at the world today and see for yourself what the knowledge of ‘good and evil’ has does to man.  It always brings forth injustice (controversy, divisions, jealousy, enmity, murder, wars, as well as all other evil works of Satan).


“And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:  For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”  Gen 3:4-5


Just hear how Satan is lying to Eve!!  Man then did not become like God, but JUST like Satan.  He is the father of the lie because he is the FIRST being who lied.


“And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:”  Gen 3:22


The "us" does not refer to God the trinity, because in Job 2: 1 we see that Satan appeared among the sons of God before Him. That is why Scripture says "like one of us" because it refers to one of the spirit beings. God do not think in terms of "good and evil" but only in truth.


God does not think 'good and evil'.

The reason for this is: There is no higher authority to who God should be accountable.  He does what He wants and whenever He wants.  He made the rules according to truth and does not have to give account for his decisions to a higher authority.  As the Creator and only Judge, God only expects obedience of man.


God is good because He always does just what is fair.  If he chastises (punish), it is good and if He blesses, it is also good.  It is also the same with parents and their children.  When they punish the child, it's good because it's always for the child's benefit.  If they give the child a gift then it is also good.


"And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him:  For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?"  Heb 12: 5-7


The knowledge of 'good and evil' cannot bring justice!

Can a judge sentence someone according to ‘good and evil’ or should he judge according to the truth?  He may not be partial or deal with the looks or status of the person in unrighteousness.  He must be impartial and not be the respecter of person.


God as the Judge is also not the respecter of person.  Likewise, He cannot take the side of the Christian above that of the Sinner, if His child is the transgressor in the matter, because He works ONLY according to truth.


Since the fall of Adam and Eve knowledge of ‘good and evil’, reign in the mind and therefore in the thoughts and consciousness of man.  Knowledge of ‘good and evil’ is the LAW OF SIN because it works all evil emotions and desires in the spirit of man so that he continually sin.  Everyone who thinks according to 'good and evil' will surely sin.


We also see how a child is innocent until he acquires knowledge of ‘good and evil’.  In that day, the child covers himself just like Adam and Eve did.  He is then a sinner in his own right and must repent of his sinful condition and come to the faith in the Lord Jesus if he wants to be saved.


Up to the age of 18, the child must be educated under strict supervision and discipline of his parents.  Therefore God says that the child must obey his parents.  Even the Jews were kept by the Law of God until the faith came through Jesus Christ.


"But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed." Gal 3:23


Knowledge of ‘good and evil’ in the soul (the mind) affects man in two ways:


1  It makes them judges because they think 'good and evil' like Satan.


They judge by sight, hearsay and how they feel according to their knowledge of "good and evil".


Scripture says: "Are ye not then, partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts?" Jam 2: 4


Jesus, on the contrary, does not function like that.


"And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall NOT JUDGE after the sight of his EYES, neither reprove after the hearing of his EARS:” Isa 11:3


Man also cannot agree on what is good OR evil.  What is good for some is evil to the others.  It causes controversy, divisions and all other evil works of Satan.  They condemn each other and are proud because everybody thinks they know better, because they do not know the truth of the matter.


2  It causes the spirit of man to bring forth all the "works of the flesh" (sins).


The ‘works of the flesh’ are the attitudes and actions of Satan (See page 40 in book)


Because of the knowledge of 'good and evil', the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.  In the kingdom of Satan they do both good AND evil just as they see fit.  That's why they are so deceitful.  (See section on page 103 in book).  The spirit of the person is formed by his knowledge of ‘good and evil’ in his soul from childhood.  He can sometimes be friendly AND sometimes rude.  He speaks the truth if it is necessary AND lies when it is necessary. They are unreliable and cannot be trusted.


Example:  Plastic is a non-conductor of electricity.  What would happen if it shocks you sometimes and sometimes not?  Because it is unstable, it has an "evil" nature or “evil” properties.  Such plastic is totally unreliable and unusable!!!  This type of plastic is thus not true to its own created nature.


The EVIL NATURE of Satan, because of his knowledge of 'good and evil', causes him to do both good and evil.  The "good" that he does is not good.  He does this to deceive and destroy you and others.  If you do not understand and comprehend the depth of this, you are doomed.  To do both good AND evil is therefore devilish.


Jesus said


"A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit." Mat 7:18


Jesus cannot lie therefore he speaks only the truth.  This means the believers are in error because they do not understand that being “both good and evil” is the consequences of their knowledge of 'good and evil'.  The believer must notice whether his spirit is at peace and calm, or upset and emotional because the latter is proof that his soul still functions according to ‘good and evil’.


Example:  If someone scolds you, think NOTHING of it.  If someone praises you, THINK nothing of it. In this way you protect your spirit from becoming emotional.  Then only will your spirit start to change and become calm.  Learn to think NOTHING of both cases, because today they can praise and tomorrow they may speak evil of you and vice versa.


Sanctification is the process that can solve this matter, but many believers are too high minded to understand.  The beginning of sanctification is to renew the mind to the truth by refraining to think ‘good and evil’ but think ONLY the truth.  THAT WILL REQUIRE concentration, insight and exercise as well as many repentant prayers.


Examples of the effect of 'good and evil' in the Bible:

  • Cain and Abel (Gen 4: 3-7). They both brought GOOD OFFERINGS, but God has a will - God prefers Abel's blood sacrifice.  Cain's knowledge of ‘good and evil’ in his soul caused jealousy in his spirit and this led to him killing his brother.  The truth of the matter is that he then knew that God prefers a blood sacrifice and all he had to do is to also bring a blood sacrifice in the future.
  • Israel at the Jordan River. The knowledge of ‘good and evil’ in their souls gave rise to fear and disobedience in the spirit because their spirits did not believe God.  Therefore, they could not enter into Canaan through the Jordan River.
  • "But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil " Mat 5:37. From this scripture you can see again that 'good and evil' is EVIL.
  • Scripture says, "Herein the children of God and the children of the devil are revealed: every one that doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother." 1 John 3:10. If you would say: Yes, BUT we all sin often, then it means you do not agree with God.  Your knowledge of 'good and evil' has the effect that you know better and differ with God.  You thus reveal the character of Satan and not that of Jesus.
  • Workers are hired at different hours but when they receive the same wage there was disagreement. (Matt 20: 1-15) The knowledge of 'good and evil' causes controversy because some think it's good and others think it is evil because they have received the same wage.
  • Jesus teaches us not to worry because it does not help. (Matthew 6:25) But your spirit worries because your soul is still in the consciousness of 'good and evil'.


Everyday examples

  • You place a certain item somewhere in the house and forget where you have put it. As soon as you search for it and do not find it, the housekeeper is suspected of theft.  You start to get upset because you suspect her, but then you find the "lost" item.  Because of your knowledge of ‘good and evil’ you sinned and became a JUDGE with WRONG REASONING, simply because you did not know the truth.
  • Suppose you are in a hurry to a very important business transaction and you get a flat tire. Why are you upset; lose your temper and sin? The TRUTH is, you have a flat tire and you are going to suffer financial loss.  Being angry, curse and scold as well as impatient are all attitudes and works of your carnal mind and it will not solve the problem.
  • Sometimes someone loses his job. Due to his knowledge of "good and evil," he blames his employer.  A few years later, however, he says that it was the best thing that could have happened to him.  What seemed to be ‘evil’ today may be good later and what sometimes seems good today may turn out to be ‘evil’ later.
  • If you ask a person to borrow his trailer and he refuse, then you are unhappy and start talking badly to others because he previously lent his trailer to others. The truth of the matter is: Does he not have the right to say no?  Stop thinking ‘good and evil’ and acting like the devil.
  • By regarding one person higher than another is a transgression of the law of the Spirit and your biasness is a clear sign that your mind works in the knowledge of ‘good and evil’. You are a judge with WRONG REASONING. (James 2: 1-4)


The solution is:


Very important:  If humans received something in this life then it should also be possible to get rid of it!  Man has received knowledge of ‘good and evil’ and partook of the nature of Satan.  If he can get rid of this knowledge, he will partake of the godly nature.  This is done by renewing of the mind.


“But ye have not so learned Christ;   If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus:

  • That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;
  • And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
  • And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” Eph 4:20-24


Change always starts with your thinking!


“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and BRINGING INTO CAPTIVITYEVERY THOUGHT to the OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST;” 2 Cor 10:5


Think only on what is TRUE in Christ and not ‘good and evil’.  First find out what the truth or facts are in a particular matter.  Which thought should you imprison?  The thoughts of 'good and evil’ must be put off because it is these thoughts in your soul that give rise to evil feelings and injustices in your spirit.  (See also page 40)

If you may not think ‘good and evil’, what should you think of?

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are TRUE, whatsoever things are HONEST, whatsoever things are JUST, whatsoever things are PURE, whatsoever things are LOVELY, whatsoever things are of GOOD REPORT; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, THINK ON THESE THINGS.” Phil 4:8


Do not think good or evil of anything, any situation or anyone.  That way you will protect your spirit against emotional eruptions and instability.  Read and think about the Word.  The Word is the truth, thus preventing your spirit from becoming unstable or upset.


Do not question the Word of God.  Do not play judge.  Believe the Word and obey what the Lord says, BUT, do it with insight and wisdom.  (Beware of false teaching and deception.)  Be wary and sensitive to the Holy Spirit's inspiration (thoughts)!  You must learn to distinguish because in doing it you will learn obedience.



It is therefore quite clear that someone who is still in "good and evil" is EVIL.


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